The MMA program is devised around a Taekwondo base, with emphasis of Muay Thai, Kali and the Filipino Martial Arts, Silat, Western Boxing, Savate, elements of Fencing, and Wing Chun from the Jeet Kune Do Concepts curriculum; along with elements of Jiu-Jitsu and Aikido for joint locking, manipulation and submission.
The objection is personal protection/self-defense, centered around multiple systems, borrowed from different elements, and guided around the Juk-Ahm Philosophy of being Strong & Flexible like Bamboo, Solid as a Rock.
Mixed Martial Arts
Taekwondo. Jeet Kune Do. Kali. Silat. Savate. Muay Thai. Boxing. Jui-Jitsu. Wing Chun
It’s broken down into effective striking and kicking, five different ranges: Long, Medium, Short, Clinch, and Submission. I also cover proper body mechanics, footwork, stancing and structure; while developing attributes that is essential and most important above just knowing technique.